Shannan - Wedding

This pretty lady got married on a beautiful, rainy day! She held it together and I was able to share my "rainy wedding day" wisdom, as it flat TSUNAMI-ED on my wedding day; at the end of the day you're married to your favorite guy and you probably have a strong enough buzz to not care about every little detail the way you do now, at 6:00am - haha! She agreed, laughed and poured a mimosa! Haha!! ALL of her bridesmaids and herself just looked STUNNING. I ran 55 minutes ahead of schedule too so they had plenty of time to dodge down pours (had to add this little detail as running that far ahead with a group this big is rare - so go me!! lol) 

Shannan - You were a gorgeous Bride & an absolute delight to work with!!! Thank you for choosing me to help with your special day!! xoxox!

((Not pictured is the lovely mother of the bride, who looked so pretty too!))

This for That: Numba....??

I know I use the excuse "life happens" a little too often, I'm working on it. However LIFE does happen; things that you love get put to the side when you are overwhelmed/ LIFE is happening. Basically that's where this segment got to and I apologize now. I am trying so super hard to stay better on top of it! With that being said... Setting Spray: this for that time!

For me and my cliental, setting spray is a STAPLE. I have always used Urban Decay All Nighter, every so often I would pick up a new one and be super disappointed in how it worked. This past June I saw over 40 faces, plus mine daily. I went through 2 bottles of the normal size setting spray, which is okay except I realized how money that was! Now you know, I'm all about a bargain and saving $$ where I can but ONLY if it's quality, only if it's truly comparable to the higher end option. Ladies, I have found a setting spray that IS comparable quality, cheaper, and is at TARGET! The stars have aligned - haha! I tried SEVERAL (all on my face, never a client, don't worry I use my friends & my own face for guinea pig's!) Maybelline Master Fix by Face Studio; it's $9.99 can be found at Target or Walmart or walgreens and keeps your face on all. day. long. It doesn't add any oil, my face tends to be a little more oily this time of year and it didn't make it a slick. It also keeps my contour from falling into fine lines. Below are some pics of me in the morning before work and then me at the end of the day after work (just a quick car selfie) all in the same light; natural, using this spray - no touch ups were done ((and no filters so you can see results better!))


Morning, before heading off to work : Lashes by iLashKC


Afternoon, after an 8 hour work day.

July & August Favs!

It was a HOT July; not sure why I expected anything different. I have lived here all my life and things get sweaty; literally. I took the month of July off from weddings to just have some time with family and friends on the weekends. I have still had styles going on during the week that have kept me busy and I'm ready to get back to it but the time off has been really enjoyable! We have spent time at the lake, the creek, time with the in-laws, pool days, brunchin' - it's been a fun summer! Now school is nearing because it's AUGUST already, sorry the favs are comin' at you in a 2 month segment this round! August brought vacay in florida, school starting for my little (let me grab a tissue real quick, I'm not ready!!) and getting into a routine... Here's some of my favvv things! PS- I realize these aren't the most ARTSY pics buutt they're real life. So there's that at least ;) 

1. Sway bikini tops: These tops are SO flattering. I've got a little bit of a mom bod (stretch marks and tummy fluff - hate if you want but you won't kill my vibe), I rock it, I'm not ashamed. I still get in a bikini, I still go to the pool/lake and get my tan on but I won't do it in a skimpy bikini; tasteful is key! I haven't loved this years swim suit trend; swim suits with sleeves, really??? Who wants that kind of tan line!? Not I. I searched high and low for a couple new tops this year. Ordering online would have been easier, yes, but I can't do it. My body type + my lack of boobs = awkward swim top fittings. I found these 3 tops all at local places that I don't think about much; Kohls (Hawaiian) & Macys (Black- strapless is sold out but these are similar!) JCPenny (turquoise and pink with sweetheart line)! I'm also a bit of a tan line freak, so most of the time I want strapless tops! Or at least the ability to go strapless which all of these had! yay!  Plus they were all under $20 a piece-- Score!!! 

2. Fair Week: I grew up going to the fair. Every year, it was something I looked forward to. We always went as a family, listened to music, saw the animals, rode some rides and ATE! Fair food is the best! The pound(s)-no shame- gained were totally worth it, not even mad. Bry now looks forward to this week the same as I do. We usually go to the WYCO fair too but we were out of town this year so the LV fair is where we got our fix! It was a fun filled 3 nights of fair full of fun food and friends!

3. City Market Dates: I looove our city market. It's such a fun place to gather up some fresh veggies and fruit, try new food, get some local wild flowers & support local businesses! Plus it's family friendly, so you really cant go wrong in however you decide to enjoy it! :) 

4. Liquid eye liner: I haven't worn this stuff in nearly a year -- eye lash extensions - holllaaa! However, I use it nearly 100% of the time when I style. I found this stuff at Target and it's amazing... the best lines, the easiest lines, application is smooth, dries quickly, it's a mature black color and it's $3. Go buy one, you can never go wrong with having this as a staple in your makeup bag! you're welcome! 

5. Travel: New Smyrna Beach, Flordia: I completely recommend vacationing/traveling. It's good for the soul! Just a week ago I was sitting beach side and I LOVED IT! So did my little girl. This part of Florida is SO cute, not overly touristy, the ocean is literally RIGHT. THERE and fresh seafood, paired with amazing rum runners & a couple of fun ice cream places always makes for a perfect combo! We love everything about the beach and can't wait to go back next year- we're thinking of incorporating Disney World too. Orlando is only 50 min drive, so why not!? 

6. Purses: I'm ready for fall. I wasn't totally ready before Florida because I didn't wanna get in the mind set of over-sized sweaters & boots but now that I'm home, I'm ready! Bring on everything fall!! Including classic black hand bags! I realize you can carry these all through the year, that's what's so great about them. However, I prefer to carry more fun/ bright colors through spring/summer. While in FL we popped in the Michael Kors store and I just couldn't resist this beauty! It's versatile in that you can carry as a cross body or as a handbag, black in color with the super cute gold accents and it's roomy! Plus has a one year warranty with MK so you can't beat that! 





Goals & Rewards

Let's talk weight, for like half a second. I have always struggled with weight, I yoyo. Because I love food. I love trying new foods, I love meeting friends for food, I love sweets, I love treating myself and my little to ice cream dates.... This past February my hubs started Paleo. He made it clear that it'd be a lot easier on him if I would stop bringing home ice cream and chips & salsa, it'd be easier if I joined him, not plotted against him. The plotting wasn't on purpose but if crap is in the house it's too tempting, I get that. So I jumped on the paleo train and I am SO pleased with myself. By no means have I given up everything that I love but instead of having mac and cheese & spaghetti every week, I've cut those down to cheat meals. It's all about balance. A life with no tacos, is no life at all. I have lost 22lbs. I know it doesn't sound like much, I know it's no life changing amount but for me, it feels that way. I have never stuck to dieting. It's like that word made me want to eat french silk pie for dinner. Last year I didn't diet, I did zumba which I loved (shout out to Kelly at Free State Fitness, shes a fab instructor) but, it took up a lot of time. It was something that once I fell out of the habit of going, was too hard to get back into. I lost the weight but the holidays came and so did my bad eating habits and I gained it all back. This year, I decided it would have to be a lifestyle change, if I was going to bitch about my weight every other day, I needed to do something about it! So I have! I work out, kind of? We go on bike rides, we do yoga, we go on hikes, we do zumba at home, we have dance parties {the we I am referring to is me & my kids or me and my hubs - its now family/friend time too} and I do 25 squats & 25 crunches each day. For me, this is working! With that being said, I have also set goals for myself complete with rewards (because duh, the rewards are the best part & honestly rewards make me work harder). So here's what I did...

5lbs = Mint Chocolate chip ice cream cone

10lbs= a new outfit & Jose Peppers

15lbs= 5 new outfits

20lbs= Extentions

I used the money I saved on not eating out for lunch/dinner to reward myself. Also, eveytime I wanted to cheat and didn't, I put a single dollar bill in an envelope. I haven't planned out my next set of goals/rewards but I will be doing that right after I write this! Honestly, I don't plan to lose much more, maybe 10-15lbs but keeping it off will be my challenge anyway. Since I have hit 20lbs I have my extensions on order and they should be here in the next week - I am SO FREAKING EXCITED! I'm sharing this because I have been asked a couple times what I'm doing/how Im doing it. I wanted to share that I'm not doing anything super hard, nothing super fancy just all real food diet, no fast food (I miss you dairy queen), no processed food (no more cereal for dinner- wahhh). I also wanted to share because your weight loss journey is nothing more than your own. You can't compare yourself to what success others are having. You can't beat yourself up for having sour cream on your chipotle because damn it, you love sour cream. Take it one day at a time, each day is new, each day is a challenge. And know this: no matter the number, you are beautiful! 

Love and good vibes to ya! Emily



The essence outfit

I posted on my Facebook about this outfit & decided I'd share the details after getting so much love (thanks y'all!). Have you ever seen something in a store and just thought, this is me. Normally it's on a sign or a saying on a coffee mug but when I saw this romper I thought, this is me! I tried it on, sent it to a couple girlfriends saying this romper is me, like this is the essence of me. Similar to how Samantha from Sex and the City felt about that ring, I'm sure! Haha. I just loved it. So naturally I bought it and wore it at my hubs dealer meeting. We went to The Chateau on the Lake for 3 days to celebrate Rangers 50th anniversary. I found it at my go to place; TJ Maxx but I've seen similar styles else where. I parried it with twisted knot flat sandals and a pair of Sugar Fix by Bauble Bar (target) fringy earrings. I've got my summer glow going so I didn't got too heavy on my makeup, light eyes, pink lip, and a little heavier on the highlight! Hair I wanted to keep simple so I did the half top knot and straightened it. I felt so comfortable yet snazzy at the same time! 

It's SO HOT - Hair

Are you melting? I'm melting.... I hate being hot. I hate sweating. It doesn't help that I sweat like a freakin' man haha. Naturally curly hair, in this heat means it's basically a fro. So I wear it up, A LOT! This style was shared on my FB as something I should try & I thought it was cute. So I gave it a go and sure enough - adorbs. Super easy too! Run a brush through your hair, flip your hair over. Start a french braid, instead of going over, go under. Braid till you're at your ears, flip back over and pull it all up into a messy bun. Easy style and gives you a little somethin' extra instead of just a plain ole' messy bun! Plus, it's up, your cool & cute!  Oh & I'm taking full advantage of my summer glow and lashes - I'm make-up less; other than filling in my brows! :) 

June Favs

Sweet summa time! June is a crazzzyyy month around my house. For one, I have a wedding if not 2-3 weddings every weekend in June, plus engagement styles, mini sessions with Kelley and whatever else pops up! It's also birthday month for the hubs, so there was celebrating to be done, with fathers day right behind it - again with the celebrating! Trying to squeeze in family outings, swim lessons for Bry, friend time, oh and be focused 40+ hours a week at my regular j-o-b &&& work on my tan; wooof. It get's to be a lot! I take the month of July off from weddings. So I am looking forward to a couple free weekends; not that I don't LOVE weddings, just don't love July weddings as much ;) obvious reasons: its HOOOOTTTT. Here's a few things I crushin hard on this month! 

Floating koozies: I can't help it! They're SO cute! I found flamingo ones at Five Below; um they were 3 for $3 so don't go spending a small fortune on these babies. They were such a fun gift to give and I ended up with one at the end of the night (sorry Sarah! haha she's mine now). I found pineapple one's at my local TJ Maxx, again pretty reasonable; $4 for 2! I'm slightly obsessed, pool or not, they're too fun not to! 

Easy gift wrapping: I'm not the worlds best wrapper. I give it the ole college try but I just don't think I can put it on the resume as something I'm super good at. However, creative wrapping is something I can claim! These boxes are PERFECT for the "mediocre" wrapper, like my self. They're cute, they're current, they're cheap ($2.99-$5.99) and they're reusable!! Put some gold tissue paper in there and you're good to! 

Fogo De Chao: Hands down one of the best places we have eaten and girl, I have eaten at a lot of places. what? I love food. You get the cool, plaza vibe, a fancier place and a unique dining experience. The way it works: you can chow down on their salad bar that is filled with different yummies but I don't recommend filling up there; you're about to be served some of the best meat of your life! Grab your coaster and turn it to green; meats from top sirloin, prime rib, garlic chicken, lamb, ribs will be comin' at you! Turn your coaster to red to put a hold on the food and chow down. Flip it to green as many times as you please. Go on your birthday (we went for Scott's birthday both this year and last) you get a free desert of your choice! 

Litter Sale Time: The only things that come close to this feeling is the $7.99 hair spray sale and the $10.99 mascara sale! Beauty Brands is the place to be if you're needing to stock up on shampoo and conditioner! Some of my $13.99 favs include: Blowpro voluminous shampoo, curly sexy hair and the Hempz body wash (smells SO good)!! Go get cha some; love me a good sale! 

Channeling My Inner Elsa : This for That

I was snapping these pictures last night and the entire time I was singing the Frozen song "Let It Go". I kept thinking (and giggling) to myself "I am so clever, conceal, concealer, my blog topic......Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know, well now they knooowww. Let it go, let it go.....". This what it's like to be in my head. Welcome! haha! Seriously though. Concealers. Let's chat. 

I had always used the Clinique line smoother concealer because it was hypo allergenic and growing up my skin was super sensitive. I ventured to the Bye Bye under eye when I was pregnant because my skin would randomly freak out - thanks hormones, you're so much fun. Bye Bye under eye from IT cosmetics is the Shiiiiizzz. It works wonderfully, beyond full coverage and does't require much product so you'll have your tube for a while! However, you have to seriously blend this stuff or you'll end up with lines. Then when the Tarte introduced Shape Tape; of course it was a must have! It's a definitely a long wear, full coverage product. Great for covering blemishes and brightening those under eye circles but I don't love the formula, just feels a little cakey if I haven't recently exfoliated (could just be my face - I have that problem sometimes - LOL!) I recommend long strokes with this, not dotting (like when you apply it to you face). These 3 are great but come with a heftier price tag. From left to right: $18.50 ; $24 ; $25

When I started styling I QUICKLY realized I was going to have to find some dupe products because I am no kardashian and I just couldn't keep up.... ha! Get it? I'm giggling to myself. I looked to youtube to see what else some of my fav make-up gurus were using for drug store finds. Kelly Strack recommended Master Fix concealer by Maybelline. I gave it a shot and love it! It's very comparable to the bye bye under eye, a little more creamy though. Only thing is I wish there were more color options, only 5 to chose from. Another girl I follow on IG and simply adore is Just Brandi; you may know her as Momma Laughlin. She used the age rewind Eraser and it was flawless on her skin so I gave it a try too! Honestly, it's my every day concealer now. Colors are based on skin tones (warm, honey, fair) instead of shades (light, medium, dark), creamy, easily blendable and covers redness & dark circles really well. Wanna know the best thing about these two? Well, maybe not the best but certainly a plus... They both can be found at TARGET! ;) From left to right: $7.94 ; $6.49  

Jordin's Wedding

Weddings are usually not stressful for me. I'm usually realllyy excited. But when you leave for the venue at 7:45 and don't arrive till 9:30 and your drive time was estimated at 50 minutes. You start to stress out and sweat. That was my Saturday between the storms Friday night causing some delays that morning to carnivals closing down roads to the venue shutting down the bridge........ gah! We made it though and had plenty of time for all the pretty faces!! Best part: the Bride wasn't nearly as stressed out as I was! haha! Again with the super chill brides, my clients are the best!! 

Jordin- You looked amazing. Everything about the wedding was so pretty! You were so laid back through the whole thing. I'm not going to lie your now husband, taking over the blue tooth speaker then texting you things to match the songs was hilarious! I hope you enjoy every second of your honeymoon!! XOX

The Bride: a pretty nude eye, bright pink lip with gloss over and a subtle pink glow! 

The Bride: a pretty nude eye, bright pink lip with gloss over and a subtle pink glow! 

Bridesmaid 1: Navy and copper combo on her eye = I was in love! 

Bridesmaid 1: Navy and copper combo on her eye = I was in love! 

Bridesmaid 2: We started super light and gradually added more color. Little by little we landed here. So pretty!

Bridesmaid 2: We started super light and gradually added more color. Little by little we landed here. So pretty!

Momma of the Bride: She was so happy when we finished up, she was in tears. That makes everything worth it and makes me feel soooo good!! You're gorgeous lady! 

Momma of the Bride: She was so happy when we finished up, she was in tears. That makes everything worth it and makes me feel soooo good!! You're gorgeous lady!


bridesmaid 3: Golds on golds! She looked amazing. 

bridesmaid 3: Golds on golds! She looked amazing. 

Bridesmaid 3: a mirror pic because as I was leaving I realized I missed a couple faces. I'm the worst. But doesn't she look so glamorous?! Loving the lashes!

Bridesmaid 3: a mirror pic because as I was leaving I realized I missed a couple faces. I'm the worst. But doesn't she look so glamorous?! Loving the lashes!

Annnnd I'm still missing 3 other faces. They were off helping with this and that and being excellent bridesmaids/bridal attendants and mother of the groom. They looked great too!! Yay for June weddings & meeting new people! :)

Shopping Local in Greenwood, MO

Shopping Local & supporting small businesses; something I always love to do! I love finding new boutiques that have unique options. I love finding little treasures. Things that people ask about, conversation starters & different things from the typical hobby lobby find (I am so NOT hating on hobby lobby by any means; love me some HB)! Just mean it’s always nice to have “one of kind” things too! I have a close girlfriend that lives in Lees Summit and we’re always saying how we need to hit up the shops downtown. Last week the shops in Greenwood, MO were hosting a Sip and Shop so we decided to make a night of it. We had dinner and a margarita then set out to adventure through the stores. A friend of mine from high school owns her own little dream shop in down town Greenwood & I was excited to check it out! The Porch Swing did not disappoint! Everything was adorable! So many shabby chic, hand crafted, hand painted, creative items! If you’re ever in the area, you must stop in and say hi!

A few of our finds are below! 

THIS for THAT - #5

Round Five...... 

I am loving the cold shoulder and off the shoulder trend this season! The ties, ruffles, bell sleeves; adorable detailing!  I had been on the hunt for a pretty spring colored off the shoulder top. I was thinking a lavender or a mint green; colors that don't always make it into my closet. Even a gingham or floral one would of been just fine. What I didn't want, was a clingy, knit fabric (target failed me here). I wanted a more crisp, sturdy fabric loook. However, the ones I was finding that didn't fit like a crop top (power to the people that can pull these off) were $40+ - yeeessshh, that price tag tho!  From left to right: $59.50 - $128.00 - $84.00

A few weeks ago Bry was at her Nan & Pa's house so I had some time to shop without a toddler and no husband hurrying me along - what married, mom dreams are made of. I found a couple tops I really liked but they either felt loose across the top, were too short, were too tight across the top - blah! I was getting in that sour place of shopping where nothing looked good and then I popped into old faithful - TJ maxx... I found this simple pink top and it fit perfectly!! They are sold out of my exact one but this one is a VERY close 2nd. At only $14.99, I had extra to buy my little some flip flops, a couple picture frames and super fun outdoor lantern! 

Crystal's Wedding

I have gotten super lucky with the clients I have worked with over the past 2 years. I have met some of the sweetest ladies and most chill brides, ever. I talk with other stylist's and hear "horror" stories about their experiences and I just feel so.... lucky?! Blessed?! Grateful?! Yes. All of those. This past weekend was Crystals wedding & again, super laid back Bride. Although there was nothing to freak out about I feel like brides can always find something (I know I did-haha)! They also got married where my hubs and I tied the knot, so it was cool to see the changes/updates that had been made around the Orchard!  Here's a few snaps of some gorgeous styles{Hair and make-up}.

Maid of Honor: When she pulled out her phone she said "so I'm going to be a pain in the ass" Bring it on I say! I LOVED doing this swoop braid across the back and bringing everything to the side. She has SUPER thick hair so this style worked really …

Maid of Honor: When she pulled out her phone she said "so I'm going to be a pain in the ass" Bring it on I say! I LOVED doing this swoop braid across the back and bringing everything to the side. She has SUPER thick hair so this style worked really well for her! Just so elegant and pretty!

Something about the smokey eye with dark hair, gets me every time. I just dig the combo! It looked great on her too! Plus we went with a darker berry lip. Of course, I have no pictures of her with lips on because I suck.

Something about the smokey eye with dark hair, gets me every time. I just dig the combo! It looked great on her too! Plus we went with a darker berry lip. Of course, I have no pictures of her with lips on because I suck.

Bridesmaid: Such a sweet lady! Look at those curls! I couldn't get over them!! They were the perfect touchable curl. Pre make-up application ;)

Bridesmaid: Such a sweet lady! Look at those curls! I couldn't get over them!! They were the perfect touchable curl. Pre make-up application ;)

The one thing the bride wanted was braids of some sort for everyone, so we did a double braid for this bridesmaid. Her curls were so perfect I had to leave part of it down!!

The one thing the bride wanted was braids of some sort for everyone, so we did a double braid for this bridesmaid. Her curls were so perfect I had to leave part of it down!!

Her eyes just POP! Very subtle pink and gold tons, just very natural with a hint of Glam!

Her eyes just POP! Very subtle pink and gold tons, just very natural with a hint of Glam!

Flower girl: She had the personality to match that hair color for sure. This little girl was a fire cracker - I loved it!! So Cute! Also, the head band - swoon! I love a pretty head piece!!

Flower girl: She had the personality to match that hair color for sure. This little girl was a fire cracker - I loved it!! So Cute! Also, the head band - swoon! I love a pretty head piece!!

Junior Bridesmaid: Such a pretty girl!! She was so helpful all day long and kept her hands out of her curls for the entire day. We braided her bangs back and the bride made the clips - so fun!

Junior Bridesmaid: Such a pretty girl!! She was so helpful all day long and kept her hands out of her curls for the entire day. We braided her bangs back and the bride made the clips - so fun!

The Bride: Ah, such a pretty bride!!! That hair though, gah I was so jealous. She doesn't wear make-up like, ever. So having make-up on was an adjustment and so was having lashes but at the end of the day she said it was so worth it to have it all d…

The Bride: Ah, such a pretty bride!!! That hair though, gah I was so jealous. She doesn't wear make-up like, ever. So having make-up on was an adjustment and so was having lashes but at the end of the day she said it was so worth it to have it all done. She looked stunning!


Again, the pretty hair piece just really adds to much detail!! Especially since she dedcided against a veil, this just really topped off her style!

Again, the pretty hair piece just really adds to much detail!! Especially since she dedcided against a veil, this just really topped off her style!

Thank you again Crystal for having me part of your day! It was a pleasure to meet everyone!! I hope you enjoyed every moment!! - Emily

Anna's Wedding

I'm excited to share Anna's wedding styles {Makeup only}!! I only got a few snaps, so I'm not able to share EVERYONE'S gorgeous faces (missing 4 others). We started early and to be honest I was in the zone and didn't start taking pics till I was 4 bridesmaids in -oopss... These ladies were so much fun! As it turns out, Anna and I went to the same preschool! Small world. Everyone fell in love with the lip color from colour pop called Trap. It's a super matte, darker nude shade. It looked awesome! I do lips last, I come back after finishing all faces and place lip color on so it's as fresh as can be! So that's why in some of the pics I take (especially if you follow along on snap chat) ladies 90% of the time don't have lip color on yet. Don't worry, I wouldn't let anyone leave with out it. Just ask my brides who "don't wear lip color". They do now ;) 

The lovely Bride! She doesn't wear a TON of make-up so we went pretty light with some peaches and golds on her eyes, a peach highlight and natural lengthening lashes.

The lovely Bride! She doesn't wear a TON of make-up so we went pretty light with some peaches and golds on her eyes, a peach highlight and natural lengthening lashes.

Bridesmaid #1 - look how flawless her skin looks! She just look's absolutely radiant! I did a little deeper plumy eye and used a pink highlight to brighten her face!

Bridesmaid #1 - look how flawless her skin looks! She just look's absolutely radiant! I did a little deeper plumy eye and used a pink highlight to brighten her face!

Bridesmaid #2 - the Maid of honor and sister of the bride. Girlfriend played volleyball a couple days before and got BURNT. She was peeling pretty badly, mostly on her shoulders and chest. I blended it out as much as I could, definite improvement! B…

Bridesmaid #2 - the Maid of honor and sister of the bride. Girlfriend played volleyball a couple days before and got BURNT. She was peeling pretty badly, mostly on her shoulders and chest. I blended it out as much as I could, definite improvement! Bolder liner and thicker lashes for this bombshell!

Bridesmaid #3 - I would kill for her brows! I barely had to touch them! She was so sweet and looks gorgeous!

Bridesmaid #3 - I would kill for her brows! I barely had to touch them! She was so sweet and looks gorgeous!

Bridesmaid #4 - So pretty!! her daughter is the red head pictured below who could not WAIT to get her make-up done. It was rather adorable.

Bridesmaid #4 - So pretty!! her daughter is the red head pictured below who could not WAIT to get her make-up done. It was rather adorable.

I took a quick hotel lighting group shot.... again, not all faces pictured. Missing 5 others!

I took a quick hotel lighting group shot.... again, not all faces pictured. Missing 5 others!

Thanks for having me be a part of your day Anna!! You looked amazing. Congratulations on #turningthompson2k17  xoxo - Emily 

Summer Time Face

You know what one of my favorite things about summer is?! Bare faced days!! You'll rarely catch me without make-up on. Part of it is my uneven skin tone and the other part is I really enjoy wearing make-up. However, during the summer, I'll indulge in being make-upless every once in a while ... like this week. I haven't worn more than brows, bronzer & lip balm. What can I say?! I'm taking full advantage of the rays I caught over the weekend. 

I still want to look put together, my lashes really do that (shout out to mah lady - Lashed By Alex). I still have to fill in my brows, unfortunately I don't have naturally awesome eyebrows - boo. So I use my brow powder to fill in gently. I also use pure hyaluronic acid every night before bed. This plumps and hydrates intensely - put it in your amazon cart right, meow [$10]. You won't be sorry. Summer skin can get so dry and flaky so quickly so hydrate your skin to allow it to glow! I also add bronzer/highlighter to my cheek bones, bridge of my nose and just above my lip. Enhances my summer glow 10xs over. Last step; a nude gloss. I'm loving this Boxum plumping gloss, in shimmering cloud

Go out confidently in your own skin!! Happy Friday y'all! -Emily 

Tan Tar A : Girls Trip

This past Memorial day weekend was our 2nd annual girls trip to Lake of the Ozarks. My girlfriend Tiffany, myself and our girls all loaded up on Friday morning and headed down. Our husbands are on a 10 day guy's fishing trip, kid free I might add (I'm not bitter, not at all)! Their's is an annual trip as well. Last year we did a quick turn around road trip and it was a blast so this year we decided to make it more than just 2 days. I really can't say enough good things about Tan Tar A; kids or no kids, even if there's an age gap in between them, it's perfect for you! {Let me just say now these pics are straight iphone pics, I didn't get very artsy with them - we were too busy having fun - insert winky face emoji}


 They have MULTIPLE pool options. The first one is the main pool, complete with bar (I may have had a few frozen drinks or 8). Next is the hot tub area, then the slide area {best part of this is they allow the kids to sit on adults laps to ride down, B always wants me to go with her & that's never allowed but here it is!}, then there's the little kid water park where it's just sprinklers and such to run through. They have a pool up top that's a little more chill, no bar though (we spent zero time here, can you blame us??). Then there's the indoor water park (we didn't do this because the weather was mostly nice and it costs a little extra). They have an indoor smaller pool that's free if there's a need too. Lastly, the LAKE (sand beach area accessible)- Natures pool - lol. You can rent boats, see doos, wave runners and paddle boats too! 


I thought this was genius. They did little contests all day long on both Saturday and Sunday. Bomb pop eating contest, watermelon eating contest, bubble gum blowing contest, hoola hoop contest & more! Adults and kids could join in! Not to brag but my little won her age group for biggest bubble gum bubble! {woot!} They also had .25 ice cream from an ice cream truck, a DJ & a grill going so hot dogs and cheeseburgers were available pool side. Plus fireworks at night. We opted to take the cruise on a yacht and watch from the water - it was nice! They also have mini golf, an indoor bowling alley, a play ground outside and horse back riding available! 


Tan Tar A has 3 restaurants onsite. We ate the breakfast buffet there but ventured out for dinners. Okay, so we found this place to eat mexican food (I pretty much went rouge on the diet this weekend - oopps!); Taqueria La Tapatia. At first I was hesitant but after ordering and eating - totally recommend it. Tiff and her girls LOVED it too. Authentic mexican food, fairly priced and DELISH! Kind of cool too because it was small walk up stand complete with a small indoor seating area but better outside! About an 8 minute drive from the resort. The other place I absolutely loved eating at (we went twice) is the Wobbly Boot, so freakin' good and again about 8 minute drive! Get the cheesy corn, order a rum runner & relax! 

Overall we had so much fun!! We're looking forward to returning next year and having more adventures! Have a great rest of this short week! Emily.

May Favorites!

May has been good to us! Date Night with Garth Brooks, spent Mother's day weekend with my husbands family down south, Bry graduated from preschool (tear) & the hubs and I just got back from separate Girl/Guy trips! We had a wonderful time, just us girls hanging at Tan-Tar-A (review to come)!  A few of my favorite things this month are below!


1. Strawberry Lemon Poke Cake: Technically it's a no-no on paleo but it was my mother's day and you know, #yolo. It was SO good! The perfect summer desert; so light and creamy. We stuck ours in the fridge for about an hour-ish too so it was nice and cool. We sat on the deck and indulged! 

2. Berks (well kind of): I can be really picky about what kind of shoes I wear. I feel like my feet look weird in half the shoes I try on. I don't have overly wide or overly large feet but sometimes shoes really make them look otherwise! Birkenstock were something I thought I couldn't pull off. I didn't want to spend $70 to figure that out. So when target had their buy one, get one 60% off; I took advantage and bought a paid of their Birkenstock style shoe. I'm in love! They're so comfy, they're rose gold and they were half the price! WINNING! 

3. BECCA Champagne POP- This was a splurge! I have tons of other bronzers I love and use (see this for that #3) but this one just struck me. I watched an Instagram vid on it; turned into one of those "I have to have it" zombie-like moments for me. It's a beautiful radiant bronzer, highly pigmented and easy to use. It's not metallic & its not lose (less mess than others). I apply with a larger bristled blending brush... I love it! 

4. Shopping Local: My friend Lilly with Love Letter Studio makes these FAB coasters. I'm literally obsessed. I attended their open house downtown and couldn't stop staring at them. They hold up to drinks so well too! Hand written KC swag. She's a calligraphy genius! Currently everything in her shop is 50% off with code SUMMER50

Lake Me!

I'm SO excited for a little girls getaway weekend at Lake of the Ozarks this coming weekend. We're heading out Friday and back Monday - I'm ready for some Vaca & Chill time! Packing for the "lake" can be tricky. We're staying at a resort filled with pools and sunshine, right on the water. So then there's boating, paddle boats and canoe action available. But then there's nicer dinners and shopping to be done too! Here's a quick look at somethings I'll be packing! 

HAT - To bring the floppy or not to bring the floppy?? But what about my beloved ball cap?? Pack BOTH! One for being pool side and the other for swim beach/boating. 

Yeti - It's a muuuuust! As you're baking and enjoying the sun your drank is staying nice and chilled! I'm LOVING this Mint colored yeti I received over the weekend, adorbs right!? 

Swim Suites - Note the S on the end of that! I really dislike the feeling of getting into a wet, cold swim suit. So I'll be bringing 2 sets of bottoms and multiple tops! Sway tops are go-to. Remember the boobless comment?? It's truth and these tops are just SO flattering. 

Sunnies - I NEVER bring my fancy glasses; the thought of losing Ray Bans to the lake is beyond nerve wrecking. I grab a few pairs of TJ Maxx or Target sunnies each season and keep these in the swim bag & throw them in my purse for back ups! $9.99-$12: I can handle if these slip away.

Lip Balm with SPF - Yasss girl yassss, gotta have this! It's $4.00 burnt lips aren't worth the savings! This Pacifica sun + care balm gives you the protection you need and is water resistant. Chemical Free, Cruelty free are major bonus's to this product too. {Re-apply every 2 hours for best results}

Wet Brush & Leave in Conditioner - Talk about dry! Lake and chlorine water will do a number on your hair. Summer is always a little rougher, more hats more buns, more pony tails. I always have a wet brush and a travel size conditioner in the pool bag and in my lake bag. A few years ago I started using the Paul Mitchell Moisture spray; it's ah-mazing for summer hair! Its easy to spritz a few times and it really helps revive my dry hair! It smells pretty good too, which is a must! The Wet Brush is just a beauty staple. It’s the best for untangling but being gentle at the same time. 

Cover Up- I never wear the traditional cover ups. Seems to me they're made from such heavy material, it's already going to be hot, I don't want to do anything to make it any hotter (I hate sweating). So I wear Kimono's! I have one 2 in mind for this trip, one for over my black suit and my other is for over my brighter colored suit! Sometimes I'll even throw on a fun statement necklace or drop earrings, if I'm feelin' fancy!

Pre Tan and SPF- Gettin' ready to go to the lake this round I got a spray tan with my go-to gal at Paradise Tanning in Bonner Springs; Kim, she is amazing. See previous post for details. Mention Magdalena styles at Paradise Tan and get 10% off ANY spray package!! All I'll need is just a little tinted moisturizer with SPF + lashes, they make all difference & I can go make-up free all weekend!! I have been severely burnt in the past (not in the last 2 years, thank goodness) but in previous years from my own “I wanna burn like a lobster so I’m supa tan” stupid mentality. I take precaution and wear sun screen now. I’ll be using a 15-30 SPF depending if we’re pool side or in the lake. SunBum (found at target) smells great and is dermatologist tested.

Hope you get to enjoy the long weekend too!! - Em

If You Can't Tone it - Tan it

If you can't Tone It - Tan it.... A saying that my girlfriends and I share some-what jokingly back and forth. Honestly, we could all tone it but ehhhhh....let's not go there haha!! However, we all can find the time to get tan! What is it about that bronzed glow that makes you feel, so, sexy?! I know I always feel 10xs better about myself when I'm tan. Headed to the lake today and last night I went and saw my go-to gal for quick, hand sprayed (see video at bottom as to why I choose hand over booth! lol!) flawless color at Paradise Tan in Bonner Springs (right by Twisters and Price chopper). She is amazing! I have been going to her for YEARS! I stand there naked (yes - naked!) and she sprays away, giving me a very even, natural looking tan! I get asked all time, so you're like naked, naked?? YEP! You don't have to get completely naked buuuttt - LINES! haha! who wants those?! You can wear whatever makes you feel comfortable but I promise you, Kim does not make you self conscience. The color goes on (process takes a whole 10 minutes) and all through the night you get darker and darker. In the morning, you shower; a quick gentle shower and you're left with a beautiful bronze-NEVER ORANGE- Glow!!

Before my spray on the left and morning after shower on the right!

Before my spray on the left and morning after shower on the right!

She does offer options of showering the same day, showering the next day is just my preference. You'll want to avoid getting wet until your tan sets (overnight in my case). Use a good moisturizing lotion, drink lots of water and your tan will easily last you a week or more! Kim will walk you through the entire thing, you'll never 2nd guess what you're doing! Be sure to bring flowy clothes to put on afterwards (ie: don't be like me and wear jeans, luckily I had a dress to throw on in my car - rookie mistake)! Right now if you go get a Spray at Paradise Tan and mention Magdalena Styles you get 10% off any spray tan package she offers!! WOOHOO! Take advantage and enjoy!!! 

Right before showering, you don't lose much color in the shower process! 

Right before showering, you don't lose much color in the shower process! 

Enjoy your weekend!!! 

Enjoy your weekend!!! 

THIS for THAT #4

At it again.... 

I LOVE a good statement necklace! They can easily be the glue to an entire outfit. I have the chest of a 10 year old boy (let's take note of this for when we talk swim suits), for whatever reason I feel like wearing a big ole necklace takes away some of the boob pressure. Like "Hey babe, I don't have any boobs but look at this bangin' necklace". HAHA! My husband likes the uniqueness of them too. When shopping for them though, I always go with something somewhat generic because $30+ each on necklaces isn't always in the budget! Again, not that I don't treat myself here in there! My favorite place to find gorgeous statement necklaces is Francesca's and Nordstrom. From left to right: $68 - $38 - $37.90

A few weeks ago I had to run into Walmart (more of a Target girl, obvi) and the set up at the front of the store caught my eye. I ventured over and quickly found some super fun statement necklaces! I just couldn't resist and at $7-$12, you couldn't either!! I picked up a couple necklaces for $7 and found adorable earring for $4. Now, there is a notable difference in quality. Just a little more cheaply made. But these babies will be perfect for travel! I hate taking my more pricier items since you run the risk of damage/tangling etc but I also hate to be without (first world problems) so now I can just take these gems! We're headed to the lake for this coming long weekend so I'm sure you'll see me sporting the necklaces a time or two! 

THIS for THAT - #3

Round Three is UP!

Who doesn't love a good highlight?! Especially during the summer. You've got that natural glow anyway, why not add to it just a little?! I was getting my scroll on the other day on Facebook and stopped when this video popped up on a highlighter. It looked ahh-mazing! Did a little research because honestly I was ready to buy; Charlotte Tilbury Gold Bar price tag: $42! (enter eye popping emoji here). If this was something I HAD to have, was for my personal collection or was just a fun splurge item, then okay, maybe I'd do it. This was a whim purchase and I just couldn't do it. 

 I'm not saying I never splurge, I'm just saying sometimes it's worth it to find something else that works just the same or pretty close! They're out there! I style 15+ faces a month, it'll break me to constantly buy higher end items. My love for the "glow" is real, so I go through it. I found the ELF and the Physicians Formula highlighters at Target. The Milani Baked Bronzer is from Walgreens! Best part, they're all under $20 - woop! From left to right: $4.00 - $9.99 - $13.99