Quick & Easy Pick Me Up's

Happy Thursday Folks - it's almost Fri-yay! I find myself wanting to live for more than just Friday, more than just the weekend. I want to look forward to Mondays & Wednedays - give me all the days! I know not every day can be entirely fabulous but after a conversation with a close girlfriend of mine yesterday; it really got me thinking about time and just how precious it is! So mid week, the weather has been drab (WHERE IS THE SUN??) I need a pick me up! Do you?? I've listed a couple things that are easy things to do to feel refreshed!

  • Call your local massage parlor and schedule a 15min chair massage. These are generally inexpensive, require little time but are effective! They give you a few minutes to breath and help knots, tension & stress melt away. Our local massage place is AMAZING; First Response Massage. On the way out take advantage of their current special and schedule yourself an hour massage for later in the month! 
  •  Light a candle. I've got one burning at my desk that I picked up on a Target run this week. Normally my candles come from TJ maxx but this one just smelt heavenly, I couldn't pass it up! Rosemary Mint; talk about a soothing sent! 
  • Read a magazine (or book) at lunch and put away your phone. I've been trying to do this at least 3 times a week. Again another Target find, the Magnolia Journal. It's a easy read with pretty pictures! Great for inspiration and gets you away from the screen!
  • Take a walk or find a patio for lunch! It may not be the ideal patio weather but throw on your coat and do a lap! Fresh air can do wonders!
  • Eat a piece of Dark Chocolate. I LOVE chocolate, but it's not good for my skin or my waist line. However, they say a piece of Dark Chocolate a day is actually good for you (can't believe everything you read buuuut Im chosing to believe this one! haha!)  It's rich in antioxidants,  provides cardiovascular benefits by reducing inflammation. I'v also read it lowers your risk for diabetes ANNNND increases sanity - I believe that!! My go to for Dark Chocolate are the DOVE pieces! Dollar General has the small back for only a $1.00! 

Taking care of yourself & treating yo self, doesn't always mean spending money you shouldn't, trying to squeeze in a bath or a day at the spa. Sometimes it's the little things that make the biggest difference!

Target Face

Saturday night was one for the books!! A girlfriend of mine and I attended the Miranda Lambert concert via floor seats!! Eee!! It was awesome. I've seen Miranda multiple times at multiple venues and you just don't get any better than her!! She's so raw and real and sings effortlessly. If you haven't seen her yet - add her to your bucket list! 

Naturally, when you've got plans, what do you think about? What you're going to wear, what your going to do with your hair, what your going to do with your face (you can't even tell me you don't send the "what you wearing?" text when you've got plans to be seen)!  I wanted to share with y'all my face & outfit details from that night because my face was 100% drug store products that you can find at your local Target, Walgreen's or Walmart! 


  • Primer: Wet and Wild -- I use the Matte version. Like any other primer, it's purpose is to help give you a smoother canvas to apply your makeup; fill in lines, reduce visibility of pores. What I like about this one is it keeps my oily spots in check without drying out my skin. There's no cakey/sticky residue either 
  • Foundation: Maybelline Dream matte Mousse -- I've tried the liquid dream mousse and hated it!! There was nothing smooth about it so when a friend said this was a must, I was like mmmm I don't know but whatever, I picked up and to my surprise- it is a must try! I am really liking how full coverage it is but SO LIGHT! I'm in the light shades, creamy natural.
  • Eyes: Kept it simple with the "Need it Nude" palette from ELF. No primer for me, my lids hold color pretty well and I wasn't doing anything super dramatic, so I didn't see the need. No liner. My extensions {I'm due to update y'all on these bad boys, so that's comin soon} My set was put on by Lashed by Alex and I now go to Beauty Brands at legends to see Kandice for my fills! For my bottom lashes I use Covergirl Lashblast - this was always my go to when I wore mascara regularly. Color: Brown/black
  • Brows:  Total Temptation -- Another new buy!! Super comparable to Anastasia Brow Wiz pencil in that it glides right on! Easy to use and a couple dollars cheaper. I use the Soft Brown color.
  • Concealer: Fit Me Maybelline -- I've always used the age rewind but last time I bought one, the roller was broke so I returned it and thought Eh, let's try something new. I'm really liking this stuff, it doesn't move around as well as the age rewind but it is brighter and you don't have to use as much I don't think. I'm in color 15 Light
  • Setting Powder: Fit me Matte Poreless -- I like pressed, you can apple with sponge or brush but there's less mess than the mineral and you can still bake if you see fit! I use the translucent and apply with sponge for quick ready days!
  • Bronzer: NYX Matte Bronzer -- see a pattern that I always use matte products?? Hoola is my holy grail of bronzers but wanted to continue the trend of drug store products so busted out the NYX - its VERY comparable. I use the medium shade
  • Blush: Covergirl Classic color -- Blush hasn't been something I've always used {In fact I specifically remember on my wedding day saying no blush please, ugh -- can we re-do that please???} I always thought it brought out my uneven skin tone, turns out when you use the right foundation and such blush can look realllly pretty and totally enhance your look! I love this color; 540 Rose Silk. I've got a handful of these in my styling bag, love them! 
  • Highlight: ELF Pearl Paint -- Another randomly picked up item while strolling target and maannnn HEART EYES. I've never been big on liquid glow because who can glow better than Becca {Champagne pop lover!} buuuuuutt I am REALLY digging this!!! It's a little extra, but I mean really, It's SO pretty! This is color Pink Lady 
  • Setting Spray: Maybelline Master Fix -- I've almost completely let go of my Urban Decay All nighter and switched 100% to this! Simply because it's totally comparable and the price point is really fair. I see lots of faces and an affordable setting spray is a must!! 
  • Lip Color: ELF Lip Plumping Gloss -- This definitely gives you some tingle!! The color is SO pretty and effortless. Pretty as a stand alone color or over a matte to add some shine. This is my daily wear. I'm in color Champagne Glam.
  • Earrings: A new Day brand; TARGET $9.99!
  • Shirt: Buckle  Jeans: KanCan brand from TJ Maxx  Boots: Durango brand from Cavenders

But Facebook Said ...

I follow 1,000 people on Instagram, regularly read 4 mom-blogs, have nearly 2,000 friends on facebook -- every outlet filled with what is perceived as "perfect". The real stuff is rarely shared. Leaving you feel...... how? I can tell you how it makes me feel; 90% of the time, I'm more inspired. Inspired to work out, inspired to read a book, pick up a certain type of foundation, teach out, or buy a certain style of shoe. Then there's the 10%... that ugly 10%. The times i leave those social media outlets feeling, LESS. Less than ideal body type, less as a blogger, as a stylist, sometimes even less as a mom or friend or wife. 

I'm done with feeling less. I want more of the inspiration, positivity & relating to people; heart to heart. Sometimes what you see as you scroll is bullshit & sometimes you just need to see real life. 

Real life for me: My kiddo's birthday is Friday, she's turning 6. I spent Sunday sitting on the floor of her room crying as I sifted through clothes that are too small. Oh you thought this only happens when babies turn one, or grow out of their last onesie? NOPE. Still happening at nearly the age 6. 

Real life for me: I'm overweight. I'm at the heaviest I have ever been outside of being pregnant. As you read that sentence you might think - oh she's going to share what she's doing about it.... guess what I'm doing? Nothing. A few squats as I watch the microwave heat up oatmeal, but that's about it. Why? Because, I'm so sick of worrying about it, yet all I can do is worry about it! One of these days, I'll wake up and get my butt in gear but I refuse to hate myself just because I'm a little heavier than "normal". Self love baby, learn it, love it, preach it. I love myself and a number on a scale isn't going to change that.

Real life for me: I've been on the verge of tears all week. Not just because of the upcoming birthday but because I'm stressed! Who else is stressed, I can't be the only one?? I can't be the only one feeling like "FUCK, it's always something". I KNOW I'm not alone but neither are you. We all have our money struggles, our dream struggles, our job struggles & so many other struggles I can't even imagine. You know what can get you through those? Breathing. No one can take that away from you. Find a silver lining and love it hard. My silver lining this week; my family is healthy. We may currently be going through something that is making me question that (dental issues for the babe) but overall, we're healthy. NEVER take this for granted. 

Those are my Real Life snips for this week. I just wanted to show you that a bloggers life isn't always about what we bought that you should too, or the amazing cake that turned out perfect PS: if you're ever looking to find that here, you wont! HAHA I'm no Martha Stuart, you might find a pinterest fail though, you never know!

Everyone's got there stuff, you're not alone. Just breathe. 


Quick and Easy Skin Routine

Let's talk skin care. We don't always have the time to do the 10 step skin care routine that we "should" be doing. Right?? I know I don't. My mornings are crazy town, I know only have one kid but we both have to get out the door dressed, presentable and on time. By the time night rolls around, all I want to do is take off my make-up (and more importantly my bra) and slip into comfy clothes. Sometime in the near future, I need to add a workout routine to my nightly schedule but that's for a different chat. When it comes to skin care, I could do more, I think we all could but my point is  - who has the time?! Forget about the time, lets talk about the price tag. Now, some will say you can't put a price on good skin. On some levels I totally agree, however I do believe it is possible to get a good skin care routine going on less than $50. I have prodcuts that are pricier,  I have splurged before, but I find myself wanting to find bomb products for a lesser penny.

Here's my quick skin care routine for just under $50 (after tax, you'll be just over that threshold).

CLEANSE: I use makeup removing wipes by Neutrogena. you can get the generic brand as well but honestly they run about the same price. I like the Neutrogena because they're lightly scented, gentle and seem to be a little more moist than others. The do a great job of removing the days makeup/oils/dirt... My #1 rule: Never sleep in your makeup! I am currently using the night calming ones (purple package).  $5.99


TONER: I like to switch up my toners. I was using the Dickensons toner with witch hazel. I recently picked up the "So totally clean" toner formula 10.0.06. This toner seems to help clear up any kind of blemishes! So if you're acne prone, this toner might be one for you! $5.99


SERUM: I LOVE my pure hyaluronic acid serum. This product is great for moisturizing (key in any skin care routine), works great for evening out your skin tone & helps to plump those fine lines! I use this every night and nearly every morning. I even carry it down to my neck, massaging it in, in an upward motion. Your neck can give away your age just as easy as your face, don't neglect it! This product specifically is 100% natural so it works for every skin type! $18.90


MOISTURIZER: Final step, I use an under eye cream/moisturizer. Moms need the extra help man! Those of you that suffer from bags/dark circles or crows feet - give this a go! I get the travel size off amazon - you even get 2 and it lasts forever! Clinique All About Eyes  $18.99


Another note: Your skin deserves to be pampered as well do you. Go get a facial. I just had one tonight with Jill DeGraeve Esthetics , AH-MAZING. She has a lovely in home spa area that is super relaxing with many skin therapy options! I did an European Facial tonight, my skin feels completely rejuvenated!! She uses the IMAGE skin care line, which if you're looking for a routine and have a larger budget; she can hook you up with all the steps! Taking the time for yourself is a MUST, and this is something that is an affordable treat! Be sure to let Jill know I sent you! :) 





Isn't her room cute??? She's capable of more than just facials as well. She can do spot treatments for age spots, sun spots, skin tags, moles - all kinds of good stuff! I can't wait to go back!


Before: Outside lighting before going in (left) --- After: inside lighting, clearly brighter, clearer skin (right). 

$10 Buys that are WORTH IT!

Hey y'all!! You may notice I have changed things up a little with my blog. In talking with some girlfriends & other bloggers about where to go, what to do, how to create a REAL place for REAL people to read and take something away; I decided to separate out my styling post and my lifestyle posts.  Here is where you will find my tips and tricks/fashion/good buys/makeup/kid fashion - you know all the things that make up my life!! haha -- hopefully (crossing my finders hard) this will allow me to freely blog more often and not feel like things are just a giant cluster! With all that being word vomited up for you -- CHEERS to the FIRST LIFESTYLE BLOG! 

We all work hard for our money and I don't know about you but I never want to feel like I wasted it. It's money, it's not growing a tree (if yours is, please do share, I'll trade you out a style for a seed! LOL) and we tend to move through money quickly - where does it all go???? So when I do spend $$$; I always try to read reviews, read backs of bottles and spend as smartly as I can. Now, will this happen all the time? Will I always feel like I got the most "bang for my buck?" No. That's life - shoulder shrug and move on. I am going to share a couple products that I have bought lately under that $10.00 price point that didn't disappoint - money well spent and worth your dollars too! 

Kristin Ess Shampoo and Conditioner:  Strolling Target and this product caught my eye because of the pretty peach bottles. But as we all know just because something comes in a pretty casing, doesn't mean a thing!  I did recognize the name Kristin Ess; she's a style icon. She styles Lauren Conrad's hair and is all over pinterest with her braids and beach wave styles! I took the lid off and smelled it; mmmm smelt like spring, just a hint of sweet. For $10, I read a couple bottle descriptions and threw the shampoo, conditioner and leave in conditioner in my cart. I LOVE it! The formula is extra gentle, perfect for ladies with sensitive skin/scalps. I didn't have to use much and there' no over lathering happening. After shampoo/ conditioner, I spritzed the leave in conditioner a couple times and brushed. My hair felt so soft and blew dry with less frizz. It didn't dry my hair out or leave me with that gritty/greasy feeling. This line is filled with everything you'd need; she even has a purple shampoo/conditioner that smells great too, can't wait to give it a try!! 


Fit ME! Set & Smooth pressed powder: As much as I'd love to constantly use name brands; they're just that-name brands. Sometimes drug store products are just better (and sometimes they're just not). However this setting powder has been amazing. I don't care for mineral or loose powder as you tend to loose product & make a mess. This pressed powder can be applied with a sponge or a stifling brush (my preference). It gives a smooth finish and doesn't settle into fine lines. Find at your local Target for $6!


Dickinson's Original Witch hazel Pore Perfecting Toner:  Looking for a product that controls shine, preps your face for makeup & help minimize your pores that doesn't cost $50??? I found it! $5.00 & it's a huge bottle. So far I'm a month in and haven't even used half. There's no smell and no burning sensation (at least not for me) when applied.  Just soak a part of the cotton ball and rub all over your clean face --don't get it in your eye ball, it will burn. haha Can be found at your local target or walgreens!

dickinsons pore toner.jpg

Hell Pore Clean Up Mask: You've probably seen all those videos; girls apply this black face mask then proceed to ripe their face off. Well this does that without losing 3 layers of skin in the process! It works great for deep rooted pores on your entire T zone area. My struggle areas for bigger pores/black heads is my nose and chin (little devils). This product helps clear those out and shrink my pores. Plus if you know me personally, you know I'm a picker & that nothing makes me happier than seeing results (AKA: seeing crud come out of my face)! I'm bravely posting a before and after of my experience. My skin isn't flawless & I’m self conscience about it but I'm working on it! $9.88 on amazon y'all && it's prime eligible!! 


Silicone Mat: how often do you wash your brushes? Is it always a chore?? For me it is!! I clean mine once or twice a week! I use this mat (comparable to the sigma mat) each time. It really helps to get down deep into the base of brush to remove that grimy old makeup and dead skin (eww). Purchase this bad boy on amazon for $6! It'll be your new best buddy for brush cleaning days.


SUGARFIX by BaubleBar Studs: These studs are ADORABLE! I picked them up at Target 2 weeks ago and wore them over the weekend with my rose gold Kendra Scott pieces. They'd pair perfectly with a chambray top, jeans and wedges! Great spring colors but could easily be worn year round! I love the marble part too, so trendy! $9.99!